The first Italian pilot for European Project Welcome, financed by the Central Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration, involves five European countries: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Germany and Spain.
The project objective is to develop and test an innovative methodology to promote the inclusion of third-country nationals in educational, social and cultural activities, with a particular focus on the development of activities that use new technology in a creative manner
In each country, 10 foreign nationals aged 16-30 (asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants) will participate in a free, innovative course to improve their linguistic and computer skills that will be useful to face the working world and life in the 21st century.
The course is based on the following modules:
- Soft Skills & Employability
- Digital Journalism
- Digital Storytelling
- Coding with Scratch
Today, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Phyrtual Innovation Gym will host a meeting to focus on communicational skills and self-awareness.
The course will last for a total of 60 hours. Subsequently, the young participants will have the opportunity to experience peer training, organising and holding specific workshops with mixed groups (third country nationals, young Italians, elders, etc.) to promote exchanges with local communities. The participants will be able to use their new the technological competences to develop original videos reflecting on their educational experience and promoting the values of integration that inspired the initiative.