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Digital Sicily

Digital Sicily


Thursday May 23 at 3 pm at ITIS Ferraris in San Giovanni La Punta (CT) – last lesson for “Nonni Sud Internet” promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Auser and Anteas with the support of Fondazione con il Sud.
6 regioni in southern Italy, 120 two-year digital literacy courses, 8000 over-sixty citizens, 1500 student tutors and 240 coordinating teachers. From Santa Teresa di Gallura in Sardegna to Sciacca in Sicily via Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria: it’s the two-year Nonni SUD Internet Project, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with Auser and Anteas and the support of Fondazione con il Sud.
Some grandfathers have become Google maps lovers, while others have begun taking notes incessantly. There are grandmothers listening to their favorite singers on Youtube. The courses at ITIS Ferraris were full also thanks to the Municipality of Viagrande who provided its patronage for the initiative.
This is a project against school dropouts and social malaise, for active ageing and citizenship, lifelong learning and solidarity amongst generations.
Participants included:
   Egidio Pagano, School Administrator, Itis Ferrarsi San Giovanni la Punta
   Venera Cavallaro, Mayor, Viagrande
   Filadelfo Paternò Castello, Project Coordinator and Teacher
   Ferdinando Portuese, Coordinating Teacher
   Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Manager, Fondazione Mondo Digitale (in videoconference)
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale also promotes this intergenerational model in twelve other Italian regions and eight European countries.
Project Nonni SUD Internet is financed by the Fondazione con il Sud as part of the “Special and Innovative Projects” action line
For further information: Press Release

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