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Digital Professors


Digital Professors

Digital Professors


The campaign promoted by Microsoft and Telecentre Europe, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Tesi Automazione, aiming to perfect and certify the skills of young students to help them access the job market also involved teachers from 20 schools in 7 Italian regions.
The teachers, in fact, requested 175 vouchers: 104 for the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification (MOS), which is also valid as for public call points, and 71 for the Microsoft Technology Associate Certification (MTA) that attests IT skills. Overall, 40 “digital” teachers received 131 certifications (75 MOS and 56 MTA).
The school with the best teacher results was, once again, the Istituto d’istruzione secondaria superiore Silvio D'Arzo in Montecchio Emilia: 8 teachers successfully received Microsoft Certifications.

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