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Digital Natives and Newcomers


Digital Natives and Newcomers

Digital Natives and Newcomers
The article on the Sicilian daily, which is based on the interview with teacher and knowledge volunteer Marina Minestrini published last Monday on La Stampa, describes the collaboration between the University for the Elderly and the schools in Augusta to promote the digital literacy of elders.
Seduced by the Web
New Faces on Facebook
Digital Newcomers – when life on the Internet begins at Fifty
A new wave on the web: from the 3% of a couple of years ago to the present 10%
By Delia Parrinello
Giornale di Sicilia, 26 August 2014
And the Grandparent Pupils are Taught by the Grandchildren Teachers
By Cettina Saraceno
Giornale di Sicilia, 26 August 2014
Read the articles [in Italian, PDF]



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