Collaboration continues with the Network of Work Orientation Centres (COLs) of the City of Rome on the organisation of free courses on digital skills as part of Programme Ambizione Italia promoted with Microsoft.
The next course, which begins tomorrow (Wednesday, April 6) will be dedicated to digital marketing: 8 1.5-hour modules with Coach Daniela Brunno. The appointment will always be:16.30-18:00.
The courses will be held on the Microsoft Teams Platform. If you are interested in participating, please click on the web link and continue in “anonymous” mode. You do not need a Microsoft account to participate. The course is free. If you encounter any problems accessing the platform, please contact:
By the end of the course, participants will know how to set up a digital marketing strategy and use the principal tools to plan and measure incisive action on the digital market.
- April 6 | Introduction to Marketing
- April 13 | Content Marketing and Storytelling
- April 20 | Focus on Website Development
- May 4 | SEO: Emerging on the Web
- May 11 | Facebook and Instagram Ads
- May 18 | LinkedIn
- May 25 | E-mail Marketing
- June 1 | On-line Advertising