2 min.
What are the main issues and difficulties faced by the National Italian Coalition for Digital Employment? What are its tools and solutions? Who is running the various initiatives?
Tomorrow, a meeting dedicated to “Strengthening National and Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs” will be held in Rome and chaired by Lucilla Sioli, Director General of the DG Communications Networks Content and Technology (DG Connect) of the European Commission.
The event will include various parallel sessions to contribute to the policy orientation of the next European Commission in terms of digital issues.
Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will share the results of the various successful experiences with the Multi-sectorial Educational Robotics Network and the Voucher Campaign to increase the certification of digital skills in youth.
The Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs was launched by the European Commission in 2013 to fill the 900,000 jobs in the ITC sector that Europe aims to create by 2015. In fact, notwithstanding current unemployment levels, about 100,000 new jobs are created every year in the digital sector. Unfortunately, the number of new graduates and workers qualified in ITC are not sufficient to fulfil this quota.