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Digital Inclusion Volunteers

Cecilia Stajano con gli operatori del servizio civile digitale

Digital Inclusion Volunteers

Digital Inclusion Volunteers

Fourth National Universal Civil Service Training Day

Today, December 15, marks the fourth National Universal Civil Service Day, officially established with a directive of the President of the Council of Ministers on December 11, 2020.

For the first time this year, we will spend the day with the volunteer operators, who have been training at the Innovation Gym at the Rome Città Educativa since yesterday. They are coordinated by Cecilia Stajano, Fondazione Mondo Digitale Community Manager, and Ilaria Graziano, Project Manager, as local project operators.

There are eight young men and women, selected together with Assifero - the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies:

  • Domenica Cesena, 26
  • Teresa D'Onofrio, 24
  • Maria Vittoria Casada Giunta, 22
  • Laura  Ubaldi, 22
  • Simone Grava, 26
  • Sabrina Sicilia, 23
  • Anna Pia Ambrosio, 20
  • Francesco Corsetti, 24

After the training session, they will actively collaborate with staff at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to:

  • Improve the digital skills of Roman citizens, starting from the population groups at highest risk of exclusion
  • Help Roman citizens of all ages to use the public administration's e-government services
  • Promote the diffusion of technology and social innovation
  • Strengthen community welfare and become a point of reference for the local context
  • Perform a public service for local communities, expanding the ability to "teach" all citizens
  • Enhance the strategic role played by digital natives within families, as natural mediators in technological innovation processes
  • Promote and disseminate "open code" culture, with attention to the most fragile social categories. 



Training session with the Lego® Serious Play® Methodology.

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