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Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion

As established by the Repubblica Digitale General Plan, the first national assembly is underway with the over 200 organisations participating in the National Coalition for digital skills, the members of the Technical Guidance Committee and partner organisations


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is one of the organisations that have participated with their projects in the Manifesto of the Repubblica Digitale.


Today, Mirta Michilli will address workshop #4 with a presentation on "Digital Inclusion: Digital Facilitation Services, Youth Volunteering and Intergenerational Exchange Coordinated by the Department for Digital Transformation.”



  • Letizia Pica, Department for Digital Transformation



  • Vitalba Paesano, Grey Panthers


Part I - Panel with Institutions and Experts

Welcome and Launch of Survey


Panel with Institutions and Experts

  • Nello Iacono, Coordinator, Repubblica Digitale - Department for Digital Transformation
  • Lucia Abbinante, Agenzia Nazionale Giovani
  • Grazia Guermandi, Punti Pane e Internet, Regione Emilia-Romagna
  • Alessandro Bogliolo, University of Urbino, EU Code Week Coordination
  • Altheo Valentini, Stati generali dell'innovazione, Egina
  • Bruno Patierno, Gruppo Atlantide


Review of the main points emerging from the panel with institutions and experts by the moderator


Part II - Repubblica Digitale Coalition

The organisations participating in the Repubblica Digitale Coalition focus on the initiatives and actions related to the issue addressed by the workshop.

  • Vitalba Paesano, Grey Panthers
  • Gianluca Vannuccini, Regione Toscana
  • Manola Tegon, Regione Veneto
  • Mirta Michilli, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
  • Martina Colasante, Google
  • Antonella Caprioli, City of Rome
  • Walter Martinelli, City of Modena
  • Raffaella Luglini, Fondazione Leonardo
  • Piero Luisi, Valerio Sensi, Engineering Informatica
  • Laura Ballestra, Italian Library Association (AIB)
  • Anna Schippa, Giove IN Formatica


The most interesting ideas will be collected by the rapporteur and presented in the conclusions, as well as included in the Repubblica Digitale Assembly 2021 Report.

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