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The Da Vinci Team Wins

The Da Vinci Team Wins

The Da Vinci Team Wins

As part of the 15th edition of RomeCup, the final hackathon of Project Rising Youth involved over 100 students in the development of new ideas, solutions and prototypes that can help Italian companies to manage their business model more sustainably [see news: Rising Youth Hackathon].


The jury, formed by experts from SAP and partners Atos Italia and Techedge, assigned the victory to Class 4 B-SIA (Business IT Systems) at IIS Leonardo Da Vinci in Rome. The team presented a project entitled “Mrs Green Zero Waste - Have Fun and Help Save the Planet,” an app integrated with an innovative chatbot that educates and helps citizens to recycle correctly and rewards the most virtuous users. The project met all of the main hackathon criteria: create a sustainable impact through technology, with a particular attention to inclusivity and of the population with less digital skills.



“Project Rising Youth allowed us to promote technological innovation in schools through a social and inclusive approach, allowing youth to learn about cutting-edge technological developments and successfully face the challenges of the future,” commented Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. “We are proud to be working with SAP to strengthen the digital and soft skills of young men and women, focusing on the issues of sustainability.”


“Sustainability is the great challenge of our times. We must create a society that lives in harmony with the planet and respects, rather than exploiting it. Moreover, working to eliminate social inequalities is an absolute imperative,” declared Carla Masperi, Chief Operating Officer, Acting Country Manager, SAP Italia. “Youth have demonstrated that they are more interested in these issues than the generations that preceded them and more aware of the urgent action that is necessary. We believe that their enthusiasm together with the potential of new technology may leverage a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone. And the projects presented by the students who accepted the challenge of this hackathon clearly reveal it.”

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