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Cybersecurity Professions

Ambizione Italia per la cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Professions

Cybersecurity Professions

Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity: job talk with a criminal lawyer

According to the recent data presented by the Milan Polytechnic’s Cybersecurity and Data Protection Observatory, and mentioned by the 2023 Clusit Report on ICT Security in Italy, 67% of large companies have undergone an increase in intrusion attempts compared to the previous year. And 14% of these companies have undergone attacks with concrete consequences. As illustrated in the graphic, cyberattacks in Italy are increasing more rapidly than elsewhere around the world.

Fighting cybercrime requires that company invest in skills, and not only technical ones. Psychology, law, ethics … are all important to safeguard information and data, as a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to prevent and manage increasingly complex and evolving cyberthreats.

The job talk on “Cybercrime: A Threat that is Changing the World … and the Working World” will open the second edition of Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity, the programme promoted with Microsoft Italia  has already reached out to 5000 people with courses focusing on digital skills for employment in new jobs in cybersecurity. The appointment is for July 13 at 5:00 pm.

Giulia D’Andrea, a criminal lawyer specialised in cybercrime, will help us understand the most common types of cybercrime and the current Italian and European regulations. Together, we will try to “access” the mind of a cybercriminal, understand the interest that lies behind the attacks, and who the most vulnerable victims are. The session will also address work and explore opportunities in this rapidly developing sector, and not only for engineers and ICT experts.

Issues to debate:

  • Cybercrime
  • Information security as a form of safeguard
  • Italian and European Regulations
  • The European Strategy
  • The Human Factor
  • In the Mind of a Cybercriminal
  • Work and Cybersecurity: Professions (not only engineers and ICT experts)
  • What companies must know to defend themselves
  • As a user, every citizen is at risk
  • Cybercrime in 2023: a trend on the rise

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