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Cyber Family


Cyber Family

Cyber Family
The initiative is part of the Città Educativa Project, managed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale thanks to the support of Roma Capitale – Family, Education and Youth Council – Department of Scholastic and Educational Services.
The project involves students, teachers and families in a course on the safe and conscientious use of the Internet and new technology. The project is organized in four phases (reflection, didactic project, workshop with experts and meetings. The project will present the most creative families with the Cyber Family Certificate.
The project is based on the intergenerational learning model to create opportunities for dialogue and better understanding between parents and children beginning from school and then moving outwards towards the home. In collaboration with Google and the postal police, students and parents will meet with experts and learn to use the web, social networks, PCs and other digital tools in a safe way. This will allow parents to better understand the world of their children and speak with them in their own language.
Participating Schools:
  • IC Via dell’Aeroporto - SMS Cecilio Secondo - Rome
  • IC Viale dei Consoli - SMS via del Quadraro - Rome
  • IC Mozart - Rome
  • IC Via Lusitania - Rome
  • IC Velletri Centro - Velletri (Rome) 
Project activities kicked off in May. Giulia Graziani, a teacher at IC di Viale dei Consoli explains why the school decided to join the initiative.
Listen to the interview



Vlad (13) is a student at IC Mozart in Rome. He has already learned about the importance of safety on the web.
Listen to the interview





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