Do you have a dream, an idea, a project? Would you like to change your life, but you do not know where to start? Do you need a more gratifying and interesting job? Is it too hard to reconcile work and family commitments?
The second edition of Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action with ING Italia provides training that is custom-tailored to the needs of individuals and communities with the objective of providing innovative resources and tools for both personal and community-level sustainable growth.
To participate in the scheduled training sessions, you need to access or register on our distance learning platform and select one or more modules from the many choices and bu clicking on “PRENOTATI AL WEBINAR”.
Here is the calendar of the upcoming educational sessions (May-June):
Recognising Talent
May 19, 17-18
Personal attitudes are fundamental levers for professional development. During this lab, participants will learn to promote them through practical activities that will help everyone’s talents to emerge.
Area 1 – Job Search Tools
Content Creation and Copywriting for Marketing
May 26, 17-18
How to narrate a brand, product or service: the necessary skills, work phases and the organisation of content.
Area 4 – Narrative Capital
June 1, 17-18
How to narrate a brand, product or service: the necessary skills, work phases and the organisation of content.
Area 4 – Narrative Capital
Communications and Data Visualisation
June 9, 17.30 – 18.30
Visual communication is a powerful tool that can help us described, in an intuitive and precise manner, complex information and phenomena.
Area 5 – Measuring Up: Analysis Techniques and Strategies
June 14, 17-18
Safeguard your professional project: passwords, unauthorised access, viruses and data theft. Understanding digital security threats and protecting sensitive information is fundamental for managing and protecting sensitive information.
Area 3 – Protecting, Sharing and Archiving Information
Tourism 4.0
June 15, 17-18
Create new tourist routes and remap local areas to rediscover points of interest with digital tools.
Area 2 – Digital Transformation of Jobs
Collaboration Platforms
June 17, 17-18
Cooperating at work has become fundamental: complementary skills and co-design allow work teams to innovate and generate value.
Area 3 – Protecting, Sharing and Archiving Information