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Custom-tailored Training

Custom-tailored Training

Custom-tailored Training

The digital world runs as fast as light. Is it too hard to keep up? Now, developing and reinforcing digital skills – but not only – will be easier thanks to Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action, the innovative training programme developed by ING Italy and the  Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The objective is to reach 5000 individuals throughout Italy.


The course, which begins today and will last through July 2021, includes training activities held by Fondazione Mondo Digitale experts for anyone looking for employment and/or wishing to enrich their professional opportunities. In particular, the course will address:

  • Digital Literacy: the use of the most widespread tools, social media platforms and on-line services;
  • Digital Academy: specialised training sessions on the jobs of the future, especially in areas in which digital skills are fundamental, such as communications, digital marketing, tourism, fashion and design, robotics and domotics, gaming and virtual reality, urban regeneration, health, mobility;
  • Social Community Days: to provide participants with concrete opportunities to exchange views and experiences with professionals on their life and work experiences;
  • StartLab for Women: the enterprise course dedicated to women and their start-up and business ideas.


Training will be provided to anyone who wants to get back in action and seek new opportunities, to NEETs (Young people Neither in Employment or in Education or Training), unemployed over-50s and women with business ideas.


In Italy, only 20% of workers participates in training activities, half the average of the OECD. The percentage drops to 9.5% for adults with low competences and 5.4% for long-term unemployed individuals (OECD, 2019). The fact that few people have access to lifelong learning has a negative effect on the employability rate and the competitiveness of companies. In fact, there often is a mismatch between workers’ competences, market needs and digital transformation processes.


Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action was presented today at an interactive digital event with Enrico Pagliarini, Radio 24 Journalist, Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Alessio Miranda, Country Manager of ING Italy, who used role modelling to describe his experience and answer, together with other professionals from the same group, to the questions of the participants.


“Digital skills are going to be increasingly important for every one of us,” explains Alessio Miranda, Country Manager, ING Italy. “The emergency situation that we are experiencing has made their significance for our daily and professional lives even more self-evident. They have transformed the way we live, work and interact. At ING, we wish to play a role in this evolution: both in terms of clients and employees, as well as society as a whole. This project allows us to invest in our most precious resource: training and individual development. We want to provide everyone with the tools necessary to keep ahead of the times and get back into action in a rapidly evolving and changing world, so that no one gets left behind.”


"We have always worked with hybrid collaborative networks that distinguish social innovation processes,” added Mirta Michilli, FMD Director General, “but it’s the first time that we kick off a collaboration with an innovative digital bank that is experimenting increasingly inclusive training strategies. Job Digital Lab provides quick and effective training, creates communities and drives business, involving everyone in the chain of value. Moreover, we will also experiment with “local lifelong learning” through smartphones, a crucial challenge during an emergency.”


The course will conclude with the involvement of work orientation centres, employment offices and recruiting agencies to facilitate the insertion/reinsertion of participants in the working world.





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