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Curiosity as a Driver of Innovation

Francesca Schettino

Curiosity as a Driver of Innovation

Curiosity as a Driver of Innovation

Coding Girls in Mozambique: role modelling session with Francesca Schettino

Being curious means asking yourself questions, exploring new routes, and testing yourself with new challenges. It is the burning desire to understand the world around us and find creative solutions to its complexity. When it comes to Steam subjects, curiosity is the driver of innovation, it's what inspires scientists to conduct bold experiments, engineers to design revolutionary solutions, or artists to explore new forms of expression.

And "curiosity" was the key word of the on-line role modelling event held as part of Project Coding Girls in Mozambique, which, on Wednesday, April 11, involved twenty students from the Province of Zambezia, as described by Project Coordinator Elisabetta Gramatica. A meeting led by Francesca Schettino, a young biomedical engineer and trainer of the Digital World Foundation who, with her engaging and empathetic approach, talked about her experience and how, from the study of the deeds of Greek and Latin heroes she moved on to the study of new technologies to improve people's quality of life. The meeting was coordinated by Francesca Schettino, a young biomedical engineer and coach at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, who with her attractive and empathic approach presented her experience from the study of Greek and Latin heroes to new technology to improve the life quality of people.

"The sincere words of our passionate and enthusiastic coach encouraged the students to share their curiosities about the world of science and technology, inspired by Francesca's presentation and her success," added Elisabetta. Realizing how different other realities are is always exciting. I hope to have left a mark, even if small, and to have sparked the curiosity of these girls," Francesca pointed out at the end of the meeting.

"Francesca's experience is a clear example of how curiosity can be cultivated and transformed into a driver of change and personal growth," confirmed Elisabetta.

See you at the next session!


The Project in Short

Coding Girls – Tackling the Gender and Geographic Divide in the ICT Sector in Mozambique is promoted by the Development Information and Education Centre (CIES) with the involvement of Mozambiquan institutional partners, the National Electronic Government Institute (INAGE) and the IT Centre at the Eduardo Mondlane University of Mozambique (CIUEM), under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Education. The initiative is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

Thanks to the project, secondary school and university students from 10 provinces in Mozambique (Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambèzia, Niassa, Nampula, Cabo Delgado) will participate in an awareness-raising and education programme on STEAM (both basic and advanced levels). Moreover, a group of young women will enjoy a pilot incubation and micro- and small enterprise development experience.

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