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CS First



A new didactic tool for teachers at comprehensive institutes.

A new training course developed by educator Lara Forgione, with the support of Valentina Gelsomini, is now available for teachers of comprehensive schools, as an online teaching tool accessible to anyone free of charge. The CS First MOOC (massive open online course) includes ten thematic units, a resource, and a task to carry out.

The thematic units are webinars that address specific content and develop a project in a particular subject (geography, art, geometry, music, mathematics, science, interculture and history) using the Computer Science First Platform, developed by Google, along with Scratch and some simple programming rules. Curriculum mapping is presented together with the request to design a final activity to integrate with the existing resources. A resource is presented with each unit to help complete the required task.

In order to obtain the 25-hour certificate, participants must submit all intermediate and final tasks and complete the end-of-course questionnaire.


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