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CS First: Innovating Curricular Didactic Activities

Computer Science First

CS First: Innovating Curricular Didactic Activities

CS First: Innovating Curricular Didactic Activities

National partner of Google to promote the free platform in Italian schools

We are once again with Google for the fifth edition of the project that aims to promote the Computer Science First Platform in Italian schools. The CS First Platform allows students to develop their computational thinking and soft skills in a fun and interesting manner.  The free platform allows for the integration of curricular subjects with more efficient methodologies for teaching and learning new languages – not just coding.

Here is the calendar of upcoming webinars for schoolteachers:



Tuesday, Oct. 18, 16.30-18.00

Primary School

Coach: Andrea Rotondo

The most fascinating works of art viewed through the magnifying lens of CS First! The coach presents a coding project for primary school teachers who wish to turn the children’s attention towards the more symbolic and hidden details of paintings. Ready for the next art class?


Wednesday, Oct. 26, 16.30-18.00

First-degree Secondary School

Coach: Federico Di Giacomo

Primary School

Coach: Andrea Rotondo

How old are you on Mars? Find out with Computer Science First, the platform that promotes computational thinking, mathematical skills and creativity in a fun manner. During the webinar, coaches will illustrate a coding project to teachers that can be used to calculate the age of an individual on the different planets of the solar system. The project can be used to encourage students to understand algorithms and digital creativity using a custom-tailored virtual environment.


Wednesday, Nov. 9, 16.30-18.00

Primary School

Coach: Barbara Avella

What if coding could make the invisible visible? In this webinar, teachers will learn how CS First can help trace the voyage of carbon through the geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Thanks to storytelling and questionnaires, teachers can develop a challenge for students to learn in a fun and practical manner about phenomena such as photosynthesis, respiration and combustion, while they acquire coding skills as well as learning to create their own learning tools.


Tuesday, Nov. 29, 16.30-18.00

First-degree Secondary School

Coach: Andrea Rotondo

An immersion into the initial formats of videogames to understand what takes place in a software house and to make history more fun. Thanks to the creation of a traditional “point and click” game, professors will acquire the fundamental skills required to create a versatile and fun videogame that will allow students to explore museums, ruins and manufacts. The interactive course will take students back to the beginnings of society and the debut of computer graphics.


Tuesday, Dec. 6, 16.30-18.00

Coach: Federico Di Giacomo

When we speak about the Solar System, we refer to eight planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – as well as to their moons, asteroids and all other celestial bodies that fall under the Sun’s gravitational influence. So, how large is the Solar System? How big are the planets? Thanks to the CS First Platform, a scaled model of the solar system can be developed to help students understand about the sizes and relative distances amongst the planets that compose it. It’s an activity that can be readily organized in class to interest all students in space.

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