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The Content of Words

The Content of Words

The Content of Words

While their classmates were at work in six digital rooms to develop Instagram Campaigns [see news: In the Hands of Science], another 600 students joined a digital lecture hall in which they “improvised” word clouds with the help of Mentimeter for the final event of Project Factor J [see news: Trust in Science].


The original Cloud Jam Session was held by Martina De Marco, creative designer and social animator, and Cecilia Stajano, Innovation Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


“If we were to open words like boxes and take a look inside, what would we find? What would give them meaning?” The students were quick to answer the challenge launched by Cecilia for three key words: disease, scar and hope. The students used words, images and music to represent each concept.  



"Scar," the second word proposed by Cecilia, has a special meaning for Martina, who is also the coordinator of B.Live activities for the Fondazione Near. In the many Factor J work sessions, Martina introduced students to Project Cicatrici (Scars), an itinerant lab exhibition, supported by Janssen, that addresses fragility in an original and involving manner.



At the final event for Project Factor J, Martina presented the extraordinary success achieved by the news desk at Il bullone42 B.Liver were recognised as social journalists by the Journalists Order of Lombardy, becoming “ad honorem publicists.”


We hope that other young men and women who have participated in the project will think about becoming social scientific journalists, as we need these figures more than every today to promote a healthy scientific divulgation! [see data from Research on Trust of Youth in Science].


We would like to thank school administrators, faculty and students who shared “a school as large as the world” with us at the final event:

  • Amedeo Avogadro - Vercelli with Prof. Luisella Croce
  • Andriano don Bosco - Asti with Prof. Olta Noti
  • Archimede - Messina with Prof. Teresa Saccà 
  • Bertrand Russell - Rome with Prof. Sara Nevano
  • Castigliano - Asti with Prof. Fabiana Castaldo
  • Croce Aleramo - Rome with Professors Ermanno Piacentini and Mariagrazia Spagnoli
  • Euganeo - Este (Padua) with Prof. Liliana Toniolo
  • Evangelista Torricelli - Rome with Professors Letizia Prato, Ilenia Betti and Riccardo Palmieri
  • Feltrinelli - Milan con il docente Giuseppe Bellinvia
  • Fermi - Arona with Prof. Laura Pezzi
  • Fermi - Bologna with Prof. Mariagrazia Fabbri
  • Fermi-Galilei - Ciriè (Turin) con il docente Nevio Gallina
  • Innocenzo XII - Anzio with Prof. Manuela Tirocchi
  • Peano - Monterotondo (Rome) with Prof. Luisa Anna Formisano
  • Piaget Diaz - Rome with Prof. Roberta Poli
  • Primo Levi - San Donato Milanese with Prof. Concetta Frazzetta
  • San Benedetto - Cassino (Frosinone) with Prof. Giovanna Russo
  • San Benedetto - Latina with Prof. Laura Capogrossi



Project Factor J , promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first curriculum to integrate empathy and the development of emotional intelligence in traditional Italian school curricula and educate young men and women on health and prevention issues, raising the awareness on the respect due to those living in conditions of fragility and consolidating trust in science, an important social operation to stimulate cultural change and mentality, starting from the new generations.

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