“Truth, dare, digital with Grandma Rosetta from Casa Surace: Silver Generation Network” won over the audience thanks to a fun and dynamic format, with special senior guests: lovable Grandma Surace, Licia Fertz, the eldest influencer in Italy, and Gaspare Reale, the first eighty-year-old to participate in Project Operation Digital Risorgimento [see news: Truth, Dare, Digital].
The debate on how to bridge the gap between the connected and disconnected was also joined by Barbara Strappato from the Postal Police, Mirta Michilli from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Andrea Laudadio from TIM and the teachers from the School of Internet for Everyone.
For anyone who did not have the opportunity to follow the live stream, the video is available at 4w4i.it/on-demand
A great selfie of Mirta Michilli and influencer Licia Fertz, 91.