2 min.
The objective of the award is to promote the educational role of schools for the development of active citizenship amongst the new generations and create a network of knowledge volunteers to share knowledge, promote and speed up the development of a democratic knowledge society.
Morover, the competition aims to fully exploit the valuable contribution provided by young tutors and school students to promote digital literacy amongst the elderly, support intergenerational exchange and fight social exclusion and the social divide, and promote active ageing and digital volunteering amongst peers.
The On-line Materials
The Press Release – November 30, 2011
- Project Description
- Facts and Figures from 9 editions
- The Didactic Kit
- The Volunteers
- Press Review (selection)
- Data and Reports on ICT for the elderly
Competition Regulations [pdf]
- Grandparents on the Internet... in 30 seconds (short video interviews)
- The Volunteers’ Oath (audio clips)
- A Competition for Digital Welfare (Agenzia Adnkronos)
- Technology and Volunteering (Agenzia Ansa)
- The Volunteers’ Award (Agenzia Redattore sociale)
- Internet Volunteering
- Knowledge Volunteering and Active Ageing
- "Knowledge Volunteers 3.0” Awards
- Who are the Digital Volunteers?
- Digital Volunteers: Investing in Knowledge?
• Italian
• English