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A leader in the experimentation of robotic technology, Enea will present new interesting prototypes at RomeCup 2014 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome (March 19-21, 2014) in the field of “advanced communications” as well as a white book on Robotics in Italy.
Robotics is a reality that can improve our lives and particularly those of elders and disabled individuals. Enea has always been active in this sector and will present a project addressing presbyacusis, a rare hearing disorder, at the RomeCup.
The project aims to help those who suffer from this disorder and help them improve their hearing to improve their personal safety and life in general. To this end, a special system was developed that elaborates verbal signals and retransmits them in a more comprehensible manner.
Moreover, Enea will also present a submarine communication system based on Venus submarine robots that will be used to monitor and explore waterways.
Venus is the basic element in a system of self-coordinating submarines that act as a swarm and navigate and communicate autonomously via state of the art optic and acoustic modems.
Enea will also present a white book on Robotics in Italy to improve the competitiveness of Italian industry in this sector and disseminate the many opportunities provided by public research. In particular, ENEA has developed a web communication system to connect the top Italian robotics research centres and enterprises.
Robotics has a high potential for the economic development of Italy. As a range of economic indicators reveal, we need to place greater trust in public research and activate an efficient communication channel with public authorities.
Last but certainly not least, Enea aims to promote the diffusion of robotics in schools. Schools have a fundamental role in preparing tomorrow’s engineers and designers in a market that is in full swing!