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Communicating Kindly at Summer Camp

Summer School

Communicating Kindly at Summer Camp

Communicating Kindly at Summer Camp

Fully Enjoy the Internet with the “Di Donato” Parents Association

Summer activities organised by the “Di Donato” Parents Association at the Istituto comprensivo Daniele Manin in Rome, directed by Manuela Manferlotti, have been in progress since June 12.

During the last week of August, the programme will be enriched by Fully Enjoy the Internet labs focusing on two issues: communicating kindly and storytelling. The labs, organised for children aged 8-13, will be held by Nicoletta Vulpetti


  • Tuesday, August 29, 11-12, Communicating Kindly 
  • Wednesday, August 29, 12-13, Communicating Kindly
  • Wednesday, August 29, 14.30-15.30, Communicating Kindly
  • Thursday, August 30, 11-12, Storytelling
  • Thursday, August 30, 12-13, Storytelling
  • Thursday, August 30, 14.30-15.30, Storytelling

The “Di Donato” Parents Association was created in 2003 by a group of parents who decided to renovate the school’s basements. The opening of this area gave rise to a virtuous circle that has driven the school and authorities to continue improving the public service.

Today, the Association has 400 member-families and keeps the IC Manin facilities open for families and the local community during extracurricular hours, a fine example of an open and shared school that also drives intercultural activities. The Association organizes free or reduced-cost activities to allow all children to participate. Volunteer parents coordinate the activities and services, promote events, cooperate on the management and maintenance of the facilities, and present and manage projects to fund and innovate extracurricular activities.

“Thanks to all the partners who are collaborating with us to enrich our summer days and our children for their enthusiastic participation!” from the Association’s Facebook Page.

The summer camp is part of the Open Schools Project – Summer 2023, funded by the Rome Council.

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