A scuola finita le bambine e i bambini dell'Istituto comprensivo "Rita Levi Montalcini" hanno partecipato a una sessione speciale, dedicata ai più piccoli, della Summer School alla Palestra della dell’Innovazione.
Now that school is out, the young boys and girls from the Istituto comprensivo "Rita Levi Montalcini" participated in a special session, dedicated to young children, of the Summer School at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
During the course of the school year, the class participated in Project MLearn and now are enjoying the coding lab held by Coaches Giorgia and Valentina from the Coding Girls team. The young eight-year-old developers have built their first videogame with the Scratch Programme.
In the video, filmed by Cecilia Stajano, the children and then Giorgia recount their experience, along with the impressions of a mother.