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CodeWeek at Palazzo Marino

CodeWeek at Palazzo Marino

CodeWeek at Palazzo Marino

For Codeweek, the European Week promoting digital literacy, the  Milan Council, together with BIP and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, launches #CODE WEEK 2019 - EU-MILANO, a free educational event for young men and women and senior citizens to exchange experiences and competences.


The special digital lab will be held today – Thursday, October 17 – from 9 to 12 at the Council Hall in Palazzo Marino. The lab is reserved to over-60s with a smartphone and desire to learn [see course content]. The event is free.




9.00 – 9.45 | Plenary Session

  • Milan, A Digital City

Roberta Cocco, Digital Transformation and Civic Services Councillor, Milan Council

  • The Value of CodeWeek

Paola Bucciarelli, Senior Active for Digital Skills DG Connect, European Commission

  • Digital Humanism

Maura Satta Flores, BIP External Relations and Communications Manager

  • Juniors and Seniors – An Alliance to Grow Together

Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation and Community Manager, Fondazione Mondo Digitale 


10.00 – 12.00 | Intergenerational Learning Lab

Sala del Consiglio / Sala Marra


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