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A Clear CV

A Clear CV

A Clear CV

No flowery shirts and flip-flops! Choose a photograph that is coherent with your skills.”


This is one of the pieces of advice provided by Nicoletta Vulpetti if you’re are preparing a curriculum vitae (CV) to publish on LinkedIn.


In the video, Un CV che si fa leggere (A Clear CV, in Italian), learn about five great pieces of advice in under three minutes.




The video is one of the micro-learning modules designed to increase opportunities for learning, at any moment and in any place, with Job Digital Lab. The objective of the educational programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia is to strengthen the digital skills of all those who wish to get back in action and enjoy greater opportunities on the job market.


If you are interested and would like to improve your profile, please register with our distance learning platform and choose one of the many proposals available from Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action.


We look forward to seeing you!


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