2 min.
The Civic Café will present an opportunity for active citizens to discuss and understand how to improve relations with public administrations. The meeting will be held on May 29 at 7:30 pm at The Hub Roma (via dello Scalo San Lorenzo 67) with the objective of drafting a text to present at the Forum PA on May 30.
These are the main themes from which to select the focus:
• Civic Education and Digital Citizenship
• Open Government
• Community Well-being
• Governance of Common Funds
• Crowdfunding and Community Financing
• Urban Vegetable Gardens
• Use of Public Areas
The FORUM PA and The HUB Roma will also participate in the workgroups.
With contributions by:
Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ActionAid Italia, Aequinet Hub, ASVI – Management for Social Change, Biennale Spazio Pubblico, CittadinanzAttiva, I-SIN Rete Italiana Innovatori Sociali, Labsus - Laboratorio per la sussidiarietà, Legambiente, OpenPolis, Project Ahead, EYCA – Alleanza Italiana per l’Anno Europeo dei Cittadini 2013.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will present the case of the Castro Prestorio Sallustiano Elderly Centre.
On May 29, at the Forum PA (Palazzo dei Congressi), Elisa Amorelli will speak for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale at a work table on the implementation of the national plan for Open Government Partnership.
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Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Stragtegy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will speak at the session on Civic Education and Digital Citizenship that will be held on May 30.
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