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The Challenge of Digital Volunteering


The Challenge of Digital Volunteering

The Challenge of Digital Volunteering



322 candidates, 18 finalists (three in each category) and 6 winners. The Awards Ceremony at the Rome Campidoglio  
“Best Student Tutor – Digital Literacy Courses” Alfio Leone, 17, ITI Marconi - Catania
Alfio decided to start a recycling lab to regenerate computers by assembling working parts and installing them directly in the houses of elders, also helping them to understand how the technology works. Award: €500 scholarship
“Best Junior Volunteer – Elderly Centers” Emanuele Raoli, 18, LSS Newton - Rome
Emanuele revolutionized the San Quintino Elderly Centre in Rome by installing two computer labs equipped with PCs that he regenerated himself. He also collected and installed all the necessary furniture. A tireless teacher. Award: €1000 scholarship
Best senior volunteer – elderly centres Francesco Cammarota, 68 - Naples
At the Auser Club in Secondigliano-Scampia (Naples), Francesco organized the Internet corner quickly and efficiently. He’s a real digital enthusiast. Other elders describe him as determined, motivated and enthusiastic. Award: Acer Ultrabook
“Best Didactic Talent” Floriana Franchi, Professor, LSS Democrito - Rome
Competent, careful and practical! Floriana helped the "less digital” discover all the potential of the web and e-mail and involving all her students (tutors and elders) to enjoy a fantastic experience. Award: Acer Ultrabook
“Most Efficient Communication” Mattia Cola, 18, IIS Falcone - Rome
From the attendance sheets to self-produced didactic printouts and the use of beautiful images in his digital polls. Mattia is able to transmit knowledge clearly and efficiently beginning with every day needs. Award: Acer Ultrabook
Innovating teacher - Didactics for the elderly Carmelina Frammartino, Professor IPASR Fortunato - Malvaccaro (Potenza)
Carmelina jumped right into the project and transmitted her enthusiasm to every participant, including many farmers. She was perfect for the small farming community in Potenza. A digital and ecological school. Award: Acer Ultrabook
Social Comittment: Alessio Bertini, 18 , ITC Calamandrei - Rome
Alessio has also volunteered with the Red Cross and the Children’s Oncologogival Hospital. Now, he has turned towards helping the elderly …
Young Emerging Tutor: Maria Cristina Alcayaca, 43°, 8 Circolo didattico Manzoni - Rome
The elders say that what makes her unique is “her joy in participating in the lessons” and making everyone feel special. Maria is a digital native with excellent didactic talent.
Career: Cristiano Morelli, 14, SMS Velletrano - Velletri
He began tutoring in grade school and has continued volunteering as a teacher at his old school. He is one of the most sought out tutors for his clarity and precision.
“Best Student Tutor – Digital Literacy Courses”
Alfio Leone, 17, ITI Marconi - Catania
Arianna Rojas, 10 , IC Santi - Rome
Pietro Vanini, 13, IC della Tremezzina - Tremezzo-Ossuccio
“Best Junior Volunteer – Elderly Centers”
Emanuele Raoli, 18, LSS Newton - Rome
Marco Letteri, 20, (former student at IIS Pirelli di Roma, currently university student)
Barbara Botti, 18, IIS Piaget - Rome
“Best Junior Volunteer – Elderly Centers”
Francesco Cammarota, 68 - Naples
Pasquale Iaria, 63 - Reggio Calabria
Gino Guidi, 74, ISIS Marie Curie - Savignano sul Rubicone
“Innovating Teacher - Didactics for the Elderly”
Carmellina Frammartino, teacher at IPASR G. Fortunato - Malvaccaro(PZ)
Patrizia Stilo, teacher at IIS Midossi - Civitacastellana (RM)
Giuseppina Fittipaldi, teacher at I.S.I.S. R. - Lauria (PZ)
“Best Didactic Talent”
Floriana Franchi, teacher, LSS Democrito - Rome
Annalisa Persico, teacher, ITIS G. Ferraris - Secondigliano Scampia (Naples)
Vulcano Ortenzi, teacher, LCS L. Caro - Rome
“Most Efficient Communication”
Mattia Cola, 18, IIS Falcone - Rome
Alessandro Grandi, 14, IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti - Bologna
Graziana Melis and her tutors, CD Sacro Cuore - Cagliari

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