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Certifying Digital Skills

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Certifying Digital Skills

Certifying Digital Skills

Feasibility study underway for a European certification

The European Commission his conducting a feasibility study for the development of a European Digital Skills Certification (EDSC) based on the European Framework for Digital Skills (DigComp). The objective is to facilitate the recognition and certification of digital skills by governments, employers, and other interested parties across Europe. Various consulting activities (including surveys, interviews, and workshops) will be conducted by NTT DataAll Digital and Empirica and coordinated by the European Commission’s, General Direction for Joint Research (JRC).

Participation in consulting activities is open to anyone interested in these issues. Please register by December 23.

All Digital, the organisation that represents the most important European networks operating with new technologies, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is involving its practice community and stakeholders in the consultation activity. “Your participation is precious. The opinions of experts and interested parties will allow us to analyse the various needs and develop the EDSC, along with its implementation and governance so to best answer the needs of all interested parties across Europe.”

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