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Bullying at School

Bullying at School

Bullying at School

On May 27, the first international conference of Project SonetBull - Practices and Competences in Dealing with Bullying in School will be held in Lieges, Belgium by partner Inforef.


The aim of the conference is to understand bullying in the various partner countries Belgium, Greece, Ireland and Italy) and compare good practices to contrast and prevent it.


Participants include the Catholic University of Leuwen, the University of Peace and experts from the partner organizations participating in the project: Dublin City University, Hellenic Open University, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Computer Technology Institute & Press Diophantus.


The conference programme is available at Inforef.


The report drafted by the project partners will also be presented during the course of the conference. The report analyses current policies and strategies adopted in partner countries to contrast the phenomenon of school bullying. The publication will soon be available on the project site (


Moreover, on May 28, the Haute Ecole HELMo Sainte-Croix in Lieges will host the second project meeting during which partners will discuss the pedagogic approaches addressed in the past months for the development of a European platform, accessible on the official project website, providing teachers and interested parties with accredited training material on the subject, as well as peer learning and crowdsourcing training material.


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