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Bioethics, how are the youngest formed?

Bioetica, come si formano i più giovani?
By M. Richter from Pixabay

Bioethics, how are the youngest formed?

Bioethics, how are the youngest formed?

A survey aimed at high school students

Bioethics touches on crucial topics such as euthanasia, abortion, genetic manipulation and the use of artificial intelligence, issues that require conscious reflection especially from the younger generations. But where do their views come from?

Early research suggests that young people's views may be influenced by several factors: school and university education, personal experiences related to family and community contexts, and cultural media, including cinema, music, social media and digital platforms.

However, the specific weight of each of these influences and how they interact with each other remains to be clarified. A focused study will attempt to shed light on these dynamics by systematically analysing the sources that shape young people's views on bioethics.

We are pleased to share with our community thecognitive survey developed by the Healthcare Bioethics Center of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico and theBioethics and Humanities Research Unit of theUniversity Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and with the support of Europe Direct Roma Innovazione, operating at Formez PA.

We invite high school teachers to propose the questionnaire to their students to answer the questions online. Completion is anonymous and only takes a few minutes.

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