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Big Data and AI for Health

Big Data and AI for Health

Big Data and AI for Health

Artificial intelligence allows us to identify and classify some diseases by analysing radiological imaging databanks that are provided on-line by health operators. Medical teams are helped to diagnose and prepare ad hoc treatments by tools such as Google’s DeepMind, a platform that can elaborate enormous quantities of information in just a few minutes thanks to machine learning, or IBM’s Watson Programme.


Francesco, 17, a student at ITIS G. Vallauri in Velletri (Rome) dreams of a future in which artificial intelligence will be able to save even more lives. In this interview with Ilaria BonnaniFrancesco tells us about his experience with Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools. Together with his class, Francesco was involved in a course held by Marco Brocchieri at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.


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