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Il lavoro del Da Vinci di Reggio Calabria

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Beyond Books

Ital.IA Lab: the experience of the Liceo Da Vinci in Reggio Calabria

The Liceo Leonardo da Vinci in Reggio Calabria is one of the 20 hubs for Project Itali.IA Lab, promoted by Microsoft Italia and Fondazione Mondo Digitale. 

The project has developed a national network of hubs on Generative AI and coaches for local communities. The main project actions include the development of synchronous and asynchronous training programmes for youth and people looking for employment and workers, with a particular focus on women and disadvantaged peripheral areas.

We recently had the opportunity to interview Prof. Laura Zambarelli who is participating in the programme with her class. During our conversation, Laura shared her experience and reflections on this innovative educational project.

Laura explained that the Ital.IA Lab course included two physical meetings for tutoring professors. “During the first meeting, we analysed the origins and history of artificial intelligence, concentrating on its ethical aspects.  The second meeting was dedicated to studying the various possible applications of AI and the technical aspects of some programmes.”

Notwithstanding the complexity of the issue, Laura found the course useful to better understand some aspects of AI: “the course was useful, although I must admit that some students are much better and more adaptable than we are at working with smart technology.”

The classes involved in the project worked on a project, while the professors participated as tutors. Nonetheless, Laura underlined that the true work was carried out by the students: “I helped the students with the basic idea behind their project, but they did all the work.”

“The students produced various documents, including powerpoint presentations analysing the different applications of AI in areas such as cinema, gaming, medicine, and economics. One students created a project on the alienation of human beings in metropolises, using graphics created by AI,” Laura points out. “Yet another group graphically represented the content of some of Leopardi’s poems.”

Laura concluded by saying that, although she has still not integrated her newly acquired skills, she hopes to do so in the future. “In the coming years, I may even introduce some things into the curriculum.”

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