2 min.
The Auser Network is firmly rooted in Basilicata, too. The activities of these elder volunteers is explained to Cecilia Stajano by Leonardo Vita, Presdient of Auser Basilicata and retired Italian and Latin Teacher.
“The elder has a series of values, competences and knowledge to transmit to the younger generations and the young learn a lot from elders as often the society in which they live has forgotten its own history and origins.”
The Auser club as a community laboratory … The President of the Lagonegro Auser Club, Natale Orlando, describes the many activities of the club that functions as the town’s cultural motor.
Auser, together with Anteas and the support of the Fondazione con il Sud, is a partner of the Nonni SUD Internet Programme to extend the Nonni su Internet inter-generational learning model (school children teach elders to use a computer and surf the web) to the southernmost regions of Italy: Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.
Auser has many clubs in the Basilicata Region, especially in the smaller towns. In Potenza and Lagonegro, the Internet Corners are ready: multi-function workstations with a networked computer, printer, headphones, webcam and microphone to manage, monitor and document the project.
The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.
The Project in brief [pdf]
Il progetto Nonni SUD Internet è finanziato da Fondazione con il Sud nell’ambito della linea di intervento Progetti Speciali e Innovativi.
La scheda del progetto [in formato pdf]