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Augmented Football


Augmented Football

Augmented Football


"We can follow any open air sports activity," explains Corrado Cervellati, "where there is a satellite signal. And we can bring families back to the football stadiums and turn football back into a healthy and entertaining sport." The secret is a special shin guard that has a built-in satellite receiver, an accelerometer a battery (with a 7-hour charge) and a transmitter.
Come funziona “Footee” e perché rappresenta un nuovo modo di vedere e giocare il calcio? A spiegarlo è proprio Corrado Cervellati, 27 anni, business developer per Space Exe. Al microfono di Danny Grano [danny_fmdigitale] racconta come la tecnologia può migliorare lo sport da un doppio punto di vista, di chi lo pratica e di chi lo segue come appassionato e tifoso, che vive così un'esperienza di "realtà aumentata". Lo staff di Space Exe sarà alla RomeCup 2015, nella capitale dal 25 al 27 marzo, per mostrare a tutti gli sportivi come funziona il parastinco Footee.
Space Exe is a Roman start-up whose core business is the creation of high precision devices based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for sports applications to monitor performance and provide real time tactical analysis. The start-up is currently incubated at Bic Lazio in Rome.
The young and highly qualified team has a vast series of skills, ranging from aerospace to international business:
  • Alessandro Di Felice (CEO) – manager with over 15 years of experience in Italian and international companies such as Serco and Telespazio.
  • Mirko Antonini (CTO) – is a GNSS and satellite communications expert and a member of various international scientific societies.
  • Corrado Cervellati (Business Development) – is a young and committed international relations graduate with international experience and expertise in FDI and ZES.
  • Gianluca Atzeni (Systems Engineering) – is specialised in hardware development and has a profound experience in R&D activities at CNR.
  • Alessandro Mariotti (Testing and System Maintenance) – is the “Boot on the Ground” in charge of ttesting and reporting.


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