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Job Digital Lab

Appuntamenti formativi

Appuntamenti formativi

Job Digital Lab, le prossime date in calendario da segnare in agenda

There are new appointments for Job Digital Lab – Training to Get Back in Action, the free programme developed with ING Italia to improve digital skills and discover new occupations and emerging professional profiles.

Participants will also be able to enjoy a special appointment with LinkedIn experts!

To participate, register on the e-learning platform and fill out the questionnaire.



January 19, 5-6 pm


Safeguard your professional project: passwords, unauthorised accesses, viruses and data theft. Understand the threats posed against digital security is fundamental to manage and protect sensitive data.  The module is dedicated to the prevention and identification of risks and damage to professional identity and work data.

[Area 3 – Protect, Share and Archive Information]

Coach: Silvia Franceschini, Steam Educator


January 21, 5-6 pm

Work: Search or Proposal?

Webinar with role modelling by ING Italia

Looking for employment should does not only mean searching through job offers. In fact, the process of spontaneous candidature can have surprising results, especially if it is accompanied by a project proposal. The module focuses on how to present a candidature, tools and potential impact.

[Area 1: Tools for Employment]

Coach: Valentina Guerrera, Communication & Marketing Consultant

Role model ING Italia: Omar Casati, Test Chapter Lead & IT Area Lead, ING Italia


January 26

Recovery Skills

Special LinkedIn webinar

The characteristics of an efficient profile, extending your network of contacts, key points for a successful interview and networking: a meeting with LinkedIn experts dedicated to the fundamental elements necessary to relaunch your professional career.

[Area 1: Tools for Employment]

LinkedIn Coaches


February 2, 5-6 pm


Vlog, an abbreviation for video blog, indicates a specific type of audiovisual narration based on the creation of original content shared on social and video platforms. The module addresses techniques, digital tools, case studies and formats on this new form of communication.

[Area 4: Narrative Web Capital]

Coach: Fiammetta Castagnini, Audiovisual Post-production 

The meetings held on January 19 and 21, as well as February 2, are organised in synergy with Smart & Heart Rome.

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