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App Lessons in Lecce

App Lessons in Lecce

App Lessons in Lecce

The unusual lesson that was held at the G. Salvemini School in Alessano as part of Programme Meet No Neet is reported on by Lecce daily "LeccePrima".


Here is the article entitled "Al Salvemini si insegna a creare una start up":


Learning How to Create a Start-up at the Salvemini School


“App Lessons” is the title of the Meet No Neet Project that was held yesterday at the Technical Institute in Alessano with Innocenzo Sansone, Microsoft Student Partners Lead & Regional Director.

Fourty-five students coordinated by Prof Salvatore Mancarella signed up for the course on how to create and develop a start-up. In particular, the students are developing a business plan to create a start-up based on an innovative social idea.

Once the students have acquired the conceptual and operative tools necessary to develop the social innovation project, they will turn to the community of donors on the platform to crowd fund their ideas.

During the course, students will learn about innovative tools that can be used to create apps and videogames.

Nearly 10,000 young men and women, aged 16-24, from around Italy are involved in Project Meet No Neet, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Microsoft as part of the Youthspark Programme. The programme provides technological, social and entrepreneurial training that aims to allow the participants to acquire useful skills for living and working and access the working world more easily.

Project Meet No Neet, which is based on the fact that a growing quota of youth aged 15-29 is isolated from education and work, aims to provide the skills necessary to access the working world via a 360-degree innovation process ranging from experiential education to project management via self-enterprise.

And naturally, the country’s social and economic development is based on the creation of new ideas, their transformation into enterprise and access to the working world.

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