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Animating Stories

Animating Stories

Animating Stories

Activities with the “Genitori Di Donato” Association start again with Project "Innovation Lab." The labs, dedicated to children aged 7-11, are held at the school managed by the association (Via Bixio 83-85) on every first Monday of the month until May from 4:30 to 7:30 pm [see programme].


The programme alternates robotics and video animation labs held by Coaches Riccardo D'Acquino and Irene Caretti from the Phyrtual Innovation Gym


  Today’s Programme | Monday, February 5


Stop Motion Lab

During the lab, the children invent stories, shapes and characters using a Stop Motion Animation Kit. Stop Motion Animation is a simple and easy technique to create interesting amateur videos. It allows the young children to experiment with their creativity and develop their communicational and narrative skills.

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