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Ancient Roman Robots


Ancient Roman Robots

Ancient Roman Robots



Less than ten days to go before leaving for João Pessoa, the Brasilian city hosting RoboCup 2014 on Jly 19-24, 2014.

Team Democrito from the Istituto d’istruzione secondaria superiore Democritoin Rome, accompanied by Prof. Donatella Falciai, qualified for the Robitcs WorldCup by placing first in the eight edition of RomeCup in the Cospace Theatre category.



Inaugurated in Singapore in 2010, CoSpace Theatre is based on the interaction between real and virtual humans and robots that narrate a story in a creative way, in two worlds: co-existent space. The competing teams must create the robots, the environment and programme the robots and virtual environments using 3D objects. Once the two environments are completed, they must interact and communicate via wireless technology. Music, dance and any other form of art can be used to strengthen and make the performance more enticing.
In the video, Francesca and Leonardo explain what they are preparing to challenge the teams of top designers from around the world: a performance dedicated to the creation of the Roman Empire with the soundtrack from the blockbuster movie The Gladiator.







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