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Alpha Males and Gender Violence

Ho avuto un'idea! a Napoli

Alpha Males and Gender Violence

Alpha Males and Gender Violence

Match Point is a photo story produced by students for Project “I Had an Idea!"

The "Alpha male" is a man who tends to dominate his peers, acting as a reference figure, explains the Treccani Encyclopaedia. So, how does one get out of a dangerous emotional relationship with an alpha male who wants to control his partner's life, deciding what they can or cannot do? Chiara and Christian find themselves in this situation, prisoners in an unbalanced relationship. Their friends, Lu and Ciro, soon notice, and then do does Noemi, Christian's sister. And they will do anything to help her, but how?

The Match Point photo story, produced by students in Class 4E at the Vittorio Veneto Hotel Institute in Naples, a school directed by Olimpia Pasolini, had the courage to tackle a very complex and delicate topic: gender violence. They created the photo story for the PCTO photographic storytelling laboratory, part of Project I Had an Idea! promoted by Room to Read  (US NGO active in the empowerment of girls and young women) with the Fondazione Mondo DigitaleFEdUF, and L’Altra Napoli. The Project Manager is Mila Spicola.

Cristina Biasini coordinated and supervised the narrative experience, with Tania Cristofari as photographic consultant, and Lorenzo Bolzoni as graphic consultant.

All the student activities were followed closely by the school community, starting with Vice Principal Daria Maltese and the support of Professors Maria Arbolino, Rita Capuano, Luigi Montanino and Antima Santagata. Fabiana Muggione was the local coordinator. 



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