Eight experiences conducted by teachers with European Project Edu4AI
The proceedings of the 17th International Eutic Conference are now available online, with the contributions of Edumotiva (Greece) and IN2 (leader partner, Germany) to the Edu4AI project.
The article presents the educational manual produced as part of Project Edu4AI (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Foster 21st-century Skills in Secondary Education), which centres around the correct integration of artificial intelligence with methodologies inspired by maker culture and project-based learning practices.
The Edu4AI Manual contains eight interdisciplinary artificial intelligence projects developed by the partnership, which have been tested and evaluated by partner schools. Three projects were implemented by teachers in Italian schools, in coordination with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale:
- Self-driving Vehicles that Recognise Road Signs - S. Larghi, I. Gaudiello, A. Mazzucato
- Vocal Recognition with Arduino - M.T. Sorrenti, I. Gaudiello, V. Gelsomini
- AI Application for Health: Recogniion of Posture in Rehabilitation - C. Borgogno, I. Gaudiello