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AI for All

Vincenzo Esposito

AI for All

AI for All

Programme ItaIA Lab è tra le nuove iniziative di AI Learn, Adopt, Benefit di Microsoft


Ital.IA Lab, a training course on the opportunities provided by generative AI, is amongst the new initiatives announced last week by Microsoft Italia as part of AI L.A.B – Learn, Adopt, Benefit to contribute to the sustainable growth of Italy through new digital innovation scenarios [see press release].

Starting in January 2024 Ital.IA Lab will be open to all workers, job seekers and students aged 16 and over. The project involves the activation of 20 hubs throughout Italy but especially in Southern Italy and on the outskirts of large cities, where participants will be able to attend free, custom-tailored training courses on the opportunities and benefits provided by generative artificial intelligence. Ital.IA Lab's objective is to reach over 8000 individuals including students, workers, and individuals seeking employment.

“In order for artificial intelligence to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive world, we need to help people develop the skills necessary to fully participate in the digital transformation. Together with Microsoft and Ital.IA Lab, we provide  custom-tailored training courses for everyone, from the most vulnerable groups of workers to young women, from the South to the suburbs. Our strength is our training network, with over 40 organizations including schools, local administrations, and chambers of commerce," explains Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

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