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Agenda of the Week

Agenda of the Week

Agenda of the Week


Due to the ongoing health emergency, even after the school holidays, educational activities will continue, depending on the local situation, as proximate, distance or blended courses [see Note for Managemnet of Covid-19 Cases in Schools (in Italian)].


This week, there will be webinars for Projects Ambizione Italia for Youth and Rising Youth, while OpenSPACE and Smart & Heart Rome will hold proximate labs.













14.01 15-17 | Coding Lab | OpenSPACE | IC Telesio di Reggio Calabria Hub School | Coaches Maurizio Marrara, Emanuele Marino, Saverio Asciutto





10.01 9.30-12.30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | Innovation Gym Fab Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Daniele Vigo | 2ª C plesso Aldo Fabrizi, IC Gigi Proietti

11.01 15-16.30 | Gaming and Artificial Intelligence | advanced course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | in synergy with Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches: Jacopo Zuliani and Daniele Monaco | High Schools: Roma Ferrari Hertz, I. Kant, E. Amaldi, M. Montessori, Torricelli, and Innocenzo XII - Anzio

11.01 9.30-12.30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | Innovation Gym Fab Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Daniele Vigo | 2ª A plesso Salvo D'Acquisto, IC Gigi Proietti

11.01 15-16 | Internet of Things: Our New Senses | Rising Youth | Coaches SAP: Salvatore De Caro, Pietro Olia, Giovanni Conte | piattaforma Zoom

12.01 9.30-12.30 | Robotics Lab | Robotics Lab at the Innovation Gym | Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Marco Brocchieri | 5ª A plesso Damiano Chiesa, IC Gigi Proietti

12.01 9.30-12.30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | Innovation Gym Fab Lab | Smart & Heart Rome | Coach Matteo Viscogliosi | 2ª A plesso Aldo Fabrizi, IC Gigi Proietti

12.01 10.30-12 | Ambizione Italia for Youth

12.01 16-17.30 | Ambizione Italia for Youth

14.01 10.30–12 | Ambizione Italia for Youth

14.01 15-16.30 | Gaming and Artificial Intelligence | advanced course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | in synergy with Smart & Heart Rome | Coaches: Jacopo Zuliani and Daniele Monaco | High Schools: Roma Ferrari Hertz, I. Kant, E. Amaldi, M. Montessori, Torricelli, and Innocenzo - Anzio

14.01 16-17.30 | Immunology (gastro) | Associazione AMICI | Factor J | Coaches: Roberta Moretti and Enrica Previtali | Platform: GotoWebinar






10.01 16.30-18 | Multimedia Communication | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Microsoft Teams | Registration Form

11.01 17-18 | Technology and Cultural Heritage | Job Digital Lab | in synergy with Smart & Heart Rome | Città Educativa | Coach: Marco Brocchieri | Piattaforma Zoom

13.01 16.30-18 | Multimedia Communication | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Microsoft Teams | modulo iscrizione


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