The 4W4I marathon, the largest B2B event dedicated to inclusion, is underway since October 22 with 200 companies [see news: Diversity and Inclusion]. For the event, FMD has organised a session on the psychological discomfort of youth [see news: Adolescents and Long Covid]. Tomorrow, Director General Mirta Michilli will participate in the event promoted by TIM "Truth, Dare, Digital" to present the experience of the School of Internet for Everyone and Grandparents on the Internet.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is participating in the reference event on innovation applied to finance at the Salone dei pagamenti for the first time to present a new educational project with Visa. Appointment on Thursday, November 4 at 2:00 pm [see news: Towards the Future with Visa].
Next Wednesday, November 3, the Centro Europe Direct di Reggio Calabria, reconfirmed as a hub of the Europe Direct Network by the European Commission to operate as a regional “informational antenna” for the period 2021-2025, will present its calendar of activities for 2021. Amongst the new financed actions, “Smart for Europe” is promoted by FMD to raise the awareness of citizens on digital citizenship issues and how to participate in on-line activities.
The week, which only begins on Tuesday, after Monday’s bank holiday, includes about twenty appointments. Virtual labs for schools, students, teachers and parents include projects Ambizione Italia for Youth, CS First, Factor J, CO.ME.SE, Health4U, Roll Cloud and Social Hosting Hub.
Labs will be held for OpenSPACE at the Innovation Gym at the Madre Teresa di Calcutta Hub School in Milan, while ludic making activities for Project ComunicArte will be held at the Innovation Gym on Via del Quadraro. Moreover, proximate labs will be organised in Rome in synergy with the Smart & Heart Rome ecosystem, including Lumsa student visits to the Fab Lab with Matteo Viscogliosi, designer and maker (Friday, Nov. 5 at 3 pm).
Service projects open to all citizens to improve digital, functional and soft skills include Ambizione Italia for Youth, School of Internet for Everyone and Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100.
There also is a new collaboration underway with Linkedin on Recovery Skills, a series of webinars providing participants with the opportunity to acquire indispensable skills to relaunch their professional careers. The first appointment will be held on Thursday, Nov. 4, 5-6 pm [see news: Looking for Employment].
We also invite students to collaborate on an international survey on risky behaviour on-line [see news: Announcement for Students].
Selections are still underway for coaches. You can apply using the on-line form [see news: Looking for Coaches].
05.11 5.00-6.30 | Computer Science First | Coach Elisa Baraghini
03.11 4.30-6.30 | Communication Software | OpenSPACE | Coach Lara Forgione | Hub School IC Don Milani-Ungaretti - Bari | Platform: Teams
02.11 9.30-11.00 | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Slot C
02.11 11.00-12.30 | Roll Talk with Emanuela Caramagna, Cloud Systems Engineer | Roll Cloud | Students from IC Vergante di Invorio (Novara)
02.11 2.30-4.30 | Audiovisuals Lab | proximate | VideoLab | OpenSPACE | Coach Giampiero Santoro | Hub School Madre Teresa di Calcutta | Group B
03.11 11.00-1.00 | Solidarity and Digital Volunteering (14-17) | Social Hosting Hub | #Smart&HeartRome | Coach Valentina Guerrera | Platform: Zoom
03.11 11.00-12.30 | Roll Talk with Elia Maldini, Cloud Specialist | Roll Cloud| Students from ITTS Carlo Grassi - Turin and IIS Marwithi - Tortona
03.11 2.30-4.30 | Audiovisuals Lab | VideoLab | OpenSPACE | Coach Giampiero Santoro | Hub School Madre Teresa di Calcutta | Group C
03.11 3.30-5.00 | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Slot C
03.11 5.00-6.30 | Ludic and Creative Making Lab | proximate | ComunicArte | Matteo Viscogliosi | Innovation Gym Fab Lab | age: 7-11
04.11 11.30-1.00 | Oncology | Walce Assocation | Factor J | Coach Federica Boniolo | Platform: GoToWebinar
05.11 | 9.30-11.00| Ambizione Italia for Youth | Slot C
05.11 3.00-4.30 | Framing & Reframing Webinar | CO.ME.SE | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Microsoft Teams
ALL: unemployed, Neet, workers etc.
04.11 2.00-4.00 | Live Digital Lab | Digital Manufacturing | Vagone FMD | Platform: Zoom Utopia
04.11 5.00-6.00 | Recovery Skills with LinkedIn | #Smart&Heart Rome| Coaches Olga Farreras Casado, Federico Sattanino, Daniele Pelanti | Platform: Live Event Teams