This week begins with the International Day of the Girl Child (#DayoftheGirl), a celebration that we truly empathise with. It means raising our commitment towards equal opportunities, starting with education, as a tool of freedom.
Virtual labs for schools, students, teachers and parents include projects CS First, Factor J, Social Hosting Hub, Fully Enjoy the Internet.
Labs will be held for OpenSPACE at the Innovation Gym at the Madre Teresa di Calcutta Hub School in Milan, while ludic-creative labs will be organised by Project ComunicArte at the Innovation Gym on Via del Quadraro.
Service projects to improve the digital, functional and soft skills of citizens of all ages include Ambizione Italia for Youth and School of Internet for Everyone. There will also be two appointments for “Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100”: Live Digital Lab and Check Talk.
Events include the All Digital Summit 2021 (Oct. 13-15), organised by All Digital, a European association working in the field of inclusion and digital empowerment.
We would also like to remind you of the October 31 deadline for the presentation of candidatures and projects to the International Global Junior Challenge, dedicated to Tullio De Mauro [see news: Deadline Extension].
We also invite students to collaborate on an international survey on risky behaviour on-line [see news: Announcement for Students].
Selections are still underway for coaches. You can apply using the on-line form [see news: Looking for Coaches].
11.10 4:30-6:00 | Digital Room | CS First | Coach Arianna Carpino
12.10 4:00-5:30 Non-hostile Communication | Social Hosting Hub | Coach: Federica Boniolo | Platform: GoToWebinar
12.10 5:00-6:30 | Digital Citizenship School | Fully Enjoy the Internet | IC G. Nascimbeni
13.10 4:00-5:30 | Module 5 “When in Doubt, Speak About It” | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Platform: GoToWebinar
14.10 4:00-5:00 | Factor J 2.0 | Coach Valentina Guerrera | Platform: GoToWebinar
15.10 4:30-6:00 | CS First | Coach Cristina Galfo
11.10 5:00-6:30 | Module 3 “Data and Privacy” | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Platform: GoToWebinar
11.10 11:00-1:00 | Digital Activism and Participation | Social Hosting Hub | Coach Valentina Guerrera | High Schools | Platform: Google Meet
11.10 11:00-12:30 | Kind Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | High Schools | Platform: Gotowebinar
11.10 11:30-1:00 | Infectious Diseases | NPS Association | Factor J 2.0 | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti | Platform: GoToWebinar
11.10 2:30-4:30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab | Proximate | OpenSpace | Coach Gianpiero Santoro | Madre Teresa di Calcutta Hub School - Milan
12.10 11:00-12:30 | Kind Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Primary Schools | Platform: GoToWebinar
12.10 2:30-4:30 | Video Lab | Proximate | OpenSpace | Coach Gianpiero Santoro | Madre Teresa di Calcutta Hub School - Milan
13.10 11:30-1:00 | Neuroscience | AISM Association | Factor J 2.0 | Coach Federica Boniolo | Platform: GoToWebinar
13.10 2:30-4:30 | Video Lab | Proximate | OpenSpace | Coach Gianpiero Santoro | Madre Teresa di Calcutta Hub School - Milan
13.10 4:45-6:15 | Ludic and Creative Making Lab | Project ComunicArte | Innovation Gym Fab Lab | Children aged 7-11
14.10 11:00-12:30 | Digital Citizenship | Social Hosting Hub | Coach Valentina Guerrera | High Schools
14.10 11:00-12:30 | Meeting with the Postal Police | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Primary Schools | Platform: GoToWebinar
15.10 11:00-1:00 | Fact Checking with experts from Pagella Politica | Fully Enjoy the Internet | High Schools | Platform: GoToWebinar
15.10 11:30-1:00 | Immunology – Dermatology | APIAFCO Association | Factor J 2.0 | Coach Valentina Guerrera | Platform: GoToWebinar
Scheduling in progress
12.10 4:30-6:00 | Digital Marketing | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Daniela Brunno | Registration Form
14.10 4:30-6:00 | Data Science and Data Engineering | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Manuel Serra
15.10 4:30-6:00 | Digital Marketing | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Daniela Brunno | Registration Form
12.10 2:00-4:00 | Live Digital Lab | Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100
14.10 11:00-12:00 | Check Talk | Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100 | Experts from Facta News | Platform: Zoom Utopia