The fourth edition of the School of Physics with Arduino and Smartphone begins tomorrow, September 6. The event, which is promoted by Sapienza University of Rome, will be attended by teachers from Lazio, Umbria, Campania and Lombardy, who will use how to use Arduino chipsets and smartphones to perform measurements and experiments in their schools.
The first appointment is at 2 pm at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Science at Sapienza University (Piazzale Aldo Moro). Teachers will come with an experiment in mind, purchase materials in nearby shops and conduct the experiment with the help of tutors and Fab Lab technicians.
Over the course of three days, teachers who have no notion of coding microprocessors will become makers capable of developing competitive experiments with non-dedicated materials.
The School of Physics is a 3 CFU advanced training course. The school is directed by Prof. Giovanni Organtini from the Sapienza Department of Physics. Fondazione Mondo Digitale Maker Matteo Viscogliosi will coordinate activities with the help of Coach Valentina Gelsomini.