According to researchers, long Covid also affects children and adolescents, but the disease is less dangerous, as its effects are usually overcome in 12 weeks. But what are its effects of the lockdown on growth? What impact does it have on fragile children? How can we stop the pandemic from amplifying situations of distress and psychological fragility?
At 4 Weeks 4 Inclusion, the largest B2B event dedicated to inclusion (Oct. 22 – Nov. 22), there will be a special session of Factor J for the employees of partner companies.
The on-line session, which will be held on November 10 at 5:30 pm, will be held by experts from Progetto Itaca and Fondazione Mondo Digitale coaches. The objective is to address the issue of depression, a pathology that is often stigmatised, and the effects of the pandemic on the mental health of adolescents. What does research reveal? What tools do adults need to help adolescents and children?
Empathy, Respect, Inclusion
Nov. 10, 2021, 5:30–7:00
5:30 | WELCOME
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Alessandra Sinibaldi, Market Access Director, Janssen D&I Champion Johnson & Johnson Italy
5:45 – 7:00 | RESPECT, EMPATHY,
- Valentina Guerrera, FMD Coach
- Gaia Sampogna, Psychiatrist, Università Vanvitelli di Napoli, Progetto Itaca Onlus
Project Factor J , promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first curriculum to integrate empathy and the development of emotional intelligence in traditional Italian school curricula and educate young men and women on health and prevention issues, raising the awareness on the respect due to those living in conditions of fragility and consolidating trust in science, an important social operation to stimulate cultural change and mentality, starting from the new generations.