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Accessibility Day in Milan

Accessibility Day in Milan

Accessibility Day in Milan

There are no limits to what we can do … Transparency, responsibility, accessibility and inclusion are concepts that are integrated in learning tools, in products and services designed to be used in any connection by individuals of all abilities.


Accessibility Day, which will be held tomorrow in Milan, is promoted by Microsoft with C2 Group and Italian Dyslexia Association (AID).


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate with Programme Ambizione Italy for Schools addressing special needs, because, as the recent ISTAT Report pointed outs IT as a facilitator is not used enough in schools [see ISTAT: L’inclusione scolastica: accessibilità, qualità dell’offerta e caratteristiche degli alunni con sostegno, 2019, in Italian].


Accessibility Day

Sept. 20, 2019 | 2.30 – 6.30 pm

Microsoft House, Open Hub & Digital Class

Viale Pasubio, 21– 20154 Milan






2.30 – 3.00 | Reception


3.00 – 3.10 | Welcome Address

  • Silvia Candiani, GM Microsoft Italy


3.10 – 3.35 | Institutional Welcome

  • Francesco del Sole, Education Director, Microsoft Italy
  • Delia Campanelli, Director General, USR Lombardia
  • Stefano Ghidini, CEO C2 Group


3.35 – 3.55 | Presentation of the Microsoft-AID Memorandum of Understanding

  • Sergio Messina, President, Italian Dyslexia Association (AID)


3.55 – 4.20 | Accessibility and Inclusion in Class

  • Roberto D’Angelo, Director of Programme Management / EMEA Government & Health


4.20 – 4.30 | Technology for Learning Quality

  • Licia Cianfriglia, Director, Partnership ANP


4.30 – 4.50 | Immersive Didactic Activities with Minecraft - Education Edition

  • Andrea Benassi, Researcher, INDIRE


4.50 – 5.10 | Surface Hub 2 for Education

  • Alessandro Simonetti, Surface Specialist


5.10 – 5.30 | Microsoft Teams for School

  • Ikrame Daouane, Customer Success Manager Education


5.30 – 5.45 | Future Classroom: Accessibility and Digital Tools for the School of the Future

  • Mirta Michilli, Director General, FMD


6.00 - 6.15 | Conclusions

  • Francesco del Sole, Education Director, Microsoft Italy


6.15 - 6.30 | AI Class Tour

  • Stefano Ghidini, CEO C2 Group



18.15 - 18.30 | Visita nella nuova AI Class guidata da

  • Stefano Ghidini, CEO C2 Group

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