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360 Hours with Robots

360 Hours with Robots

360 Hours with Robots

During the 2014-2015 school year, the Robotics Centre at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym organized 120 laboratories on educational robotics that involved 3000 students of all ages from primary to second-degree secondary school. Over 360 lab hours allowed students to learn how to design, create and programme a wide range of robots from the Bee-Bot to the rescue robot.


In greater detail:


  • 38 primary school labs with the Lego We Do and Bee-Bot kits;
  • 68 secondary school labs with the Lego Nxt, Renewable Energy and Arduino (in collaboration with Robotics 3D) kits.
  • 14 university orientation labs with the humanoid Nao robot for high school students in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome


Yesterday, the children from the Istituto comprensivo A. Rosmini celebrated their last day of school at the Robotics Centre. Here are their greetings:

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