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24H Marathon on Bullying

24H Marathon on Bullying

24H Marathon on Bullying

How can we contrast bullying and cyberbullying? Today, starting at noon, 130 speakers will participate in an online conference [see news: #StopCyberbulluingDay].


The #StopCyberbullyingDay – 24h Scholas Talks conference is organised by WeZum, the International Youth Observatory of the “Pontificia Scholas Occurrentes” Foundation, in collaboration with Time4Child. The FMD is an event partner and will address ongoing projects including Gender Equality Matters and DisAbuse between 3:30 and 4:30 pm.


Wezum will present the first global report on cyberbullying, produced by surveying over 5000 young men and women who participated in Scholas activities in recent years along with the study developed by the scientific committee.


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