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Artificial Intelligence in Learning

Workshop su AI

Artificial Intelligence in Learning

Artificial Intelligence in Learning

Edu4AI: three days of common work to share the experiences of the pilot programme


On July 4-6, the Edu4AI partnership will host a three-day workshop in Weil der Stadt  (Germany) to share and reflect on the experiences of schools and its pilot projects on artificial intelligence.

The main objective of the sessions is to present the schools that ran the pilot projects, and share and reflect on their experiences, learn about other partner’s good practices, and the lessons that emerged from the pilot projects in each country. Moreover, the partners will reflect on AI technology, educational methodologies, and the resources used by the project to analyse to what extent they satisfied the needs of teachers and students or what revisions and adjustments are necessary.

The agenda includes presentations and practical sessions to reflect and share the experience deriving from the AI project implementation. Each participant will receive a signed certificate from the organising partner (Johannes Kepler Gymnasium) and the coordinator (IN2).



July 8, 2022

8.30 – 15.00


The Edu4AI partnership has organised a conference to showcase the achieved results. The event will be held on July 8 at Weil der Stadt in Germany. The objective of the event is to ...

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