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World IBD Day

World IBD Day

World IBD Day

May 19 is World IBD Day, a day dedicated to inflammatory bowel disease that we learnt more about with the help of the Amici Patient Association in Project Factor J, promoted with Janssen Italia.  


Worldwide, over 5 million people are affected by IBD. In Italy, the estimate is that there are 240-250,000 patients affected by this chronic intestinal inflammation: 60% with ulcerative colitis and 40% with Crohn’s Disease, across both sexes. These diseases usually appear in young adults, aged 20-30, at the point in which they are busy studying, pursuing a career or starting a family. In 20% of cases, these diseases are diagnosed in paediatric age. Cases of Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis are constantly increasing in western countries, as well as in China and India.



In honour of World IBD Day, we have decided to share this interview with Valentina Ferracuti, National Secretary of the Amici Association, as well as a “I Will Take Care of You” episode with the Health Stories of Doctors at the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University, a scientific partner of Project Factor J.


Let’s learn more about immune-inflammatory diseases with Michele Cicala, Professor of Gastroenterology at the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University and Director of the Gastroenterologia Ward and the Specialisation School for Digestive Apparatus Diseases at the Policlinico Universitario.


Professor Cicala’s contribution is divided into two video lessons. The first is dedicated to chronic inflammatory diseases, the second to empathy in therapeutic relations.





Project Factor J , promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first curriculum to integrate empathy and the development of emotional intelligence in traditional Italian school curricula and educate young men and women on health and prevention issues, raising the awareness on the respect due to those living in conditions of fragility and consolidating trust in science, an important social operation to stimulate cultural change and mentality, starting from the new generations.



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